

DJ Spooky On His Residency at Yale Quantum Institute and Why Science Needs Art

Everything about Paul Miller a.k.a. DJ Spooky’s upbringing and career, all the way down to his artist name choice, have

HappinessHow To'sInspiration

How To Seek Specific Support When You Need It Most

Jamie Klingler is an author, founder of Creative Influence Alliance and The Salon Host’s resident source of personal wellness inspiration who spent all


Alcoholism Or A Failing Coping Mechanism? A Case For Moderation

Since coming out of lock-down, many of us have been examining both the drinking habits we developed in quarantine and


Humans Always Find New Ways To Flourish, Even In A Not-So-Distant ‘Adystopia’ Future

Here at The Salon Host we’re optimistic that human beings can come together and figure out how to hack human


IRL Community Building Takes Many Forms, How About Mending?

It began, like many things do, online. Earlier this year, I was killing time on a dinosaur relic website (Facebook)


The Eternally Rewarding Art of Self-Curation

Amidst the hard pause of our lives in 2020 I had a simple but revelatory realization: most of my day-today


Breaking Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Jamie Klingler is an author, founder of Creative Influence Alliance and The Salon Host’s resident source of personal wellness inspiration who spent all


The Cards Speak: What It Means To Be A Host

After you enjoy this guest article from author Jesse Browner, who further elaborates on his experience with the true psychology


Hosts, Let’s Put a Moratorium on The Question “But Why Aren’t You Drinking?”

Jamie Klingler is an author, founder of Creative Influence Alliance and The Salon Host’s resident source of personal wellness inspiration who spent all

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