how to

CookingHow To's

How To Salon With Less Waste

We almost always use our reusable totes; we’re getting at using less disposable items in our kitchens and have upped

HappinessHow To'sInspiration

How To Seek Specific Support When You Need It Most

Jamie Klingler is an author, founder of Creative Influence Alliance and The Salon Host’s resident source of personal wellness inspiration who spent all


How Community Gardens Spark Joy and Strengthen Ties

Biting into a soft, juicy, ripe papaya is magical. It’s like tasting summer. Picking that papaya from a tree in

How To'sInspiration

How To Re-Enter Life As an Introvert, Extrovert or Both

Picture yourself sinking back into your favorite corner booth at your neighborhood eatery for cocktails with your closest friends. Sounds