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Some Musings on Momentum and Personal Wellness

Jamie Klingler is an author, founder of Creative Influence Alliance and The Salon Host’s resident source of personal wellness inspiration


Key Ingredients For A Happier Life

Simplicity and imperfection as a means for maximum enjoyment is the defining mantra of Susan’s life, and it’s something each


How Community Gardens Spark Joy and Strengthen Ties

Biting into a soft, juicy, ripe papaya is magical. It’s like tasting summer. Picking that papaya from a tree in


Controversial Salons Vol. 2 – The Seance

In the late 1840s, a small wooden house in Hydesville, New York, drew an endless crowd of curious onlookers hoping


How The Ways We Publicly Define Ourselves Have Changed

Jamie Klingler is an author, founder of Creative Influence Alliance and The Salon Host’s resident source of personal wellness inspiration

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