How To'sSalon

How To Encourage Guest Participation

“As in ancient circles of elders it was known, council members come to know that they each bring a piece

How To'sSalonSusan

How to Be a Good Guest – Salon Etiquette 101

How To Ensure You Get Invited Back #etiquette  There’s more to being a good guest than just turning up. Be

CommunityHow To'sInspirationSalonSalons

Five Tips For Hosting A Salon For Your Company

Are You Trying to Build Community Within Your Organization? Thinking of hosting a salon for your company? Great idea! You


4 Reasons You Should Host a Salon Gathering ASAP

Why should you host a salon? Conversation!
How To'sSalon

How to Host a Salon For Under $100. Inflation be damned!

I know. It sounds cray, right? Host a salon for under $100 in the era of crippling inflation? But it’s


Hullo Holiday Season! Increasingly Thirsty With Each Party? Pace Yourself.

One day it’s Indian summer and you’re basking in the autumn warmth on your back, the next day invitations for

Susan MacTavish Best - The Salon Host

My Personal Evolution to Salons

Post College Days When I left college, I moved across the country to San Francisco without a job and no

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